"It Happened in Callaway" book

"It Happened in Callaway" book


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It Happened in Callaway: Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the founding of Callaway County, Missouri 

Stories, articles and poems from Callawegians throughout the county, written to celebrate the rich diversity of life in the past 200 years of the Kingdom of Callaway. Memories of Burre blacksmith shop, Lynwood Dairy farm, Auxvasse telephone exchange, one-room schools, log churches, hidden caves along Stinson Creek, mule trading, rodeo riding, nuclear plants and much more. Other articles tell the story of the centuries old London Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury and how it was reconstructed in Fulton as America's National Winston Churchill Museum.

Fully illustrated with wonderful vintage photographs from the archives of the Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society. Produced by KCHS along with the Daniel Boone Regional Library and the Callaway Writers Group.

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